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2012 m. rugpjūčio 30 d., ketvirtadienis

Viktor Blom to withdraw from PokerStarsPRO TEAM 2011 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure held during Viktor Blomwas presented as a Team PokerStars Pro member and a manhiding behind "Isildur1" moniker. Secret Until then, on their own behalf V.Blomas instant poker ended up in the public spotlight., However, after a little more than a year V.Blomas and PokerStarshas announced that the contract between the unaccustomed and "Isildur1" will move from team PokerStars Pro members.
"I was honored to carry the PokerStars flag. Really enjoyed the game as Team PokerStars Pro representative. I am together with this company and all the time spent on PokerStars members of the community wish you all the best, but the only thing that I want now isto concentrate on the game of poker "- so his decision himselfcommented poker pro.
Good words V.Blomui spared PokerStars communicationsmanager Eric Hollreiseris: "In a relatively short period of his career-long V.Blomas managed to reach the highest level of poker. Heplayed for the highest stakes and the highest-stakes poker againstthe best players in the world. It is hard to remember another player who can boast the same rapid career progression. BothPokerStars and I think the entire poker community, monitorV.Blomui as successful in the future, and now we can only wish him every success and all the best. "
V.Blomo pictures from Team PokerStars Pro galleries disappearedlast Tuesday. Poker community is actively discussing a possibleV.Blomo and PokerStars cause for separation, but so far, allpredictions are only rumors and assumptions. 

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